
Human activity is considered to be one of the most important ingredients of context awareness and ubiquitous computing. During my PhD I focused mainly on the recognition complex activities based on wearable sensors. By spotting isolated gesture-alike events in a continuous data stream, probabilistic temporal models are used to compose such events into higher level activities such as daily routines, or multi-step construction tasks.
"We are what we repeatly do."
(Aristotle, 384-322 BC)


Recognizing Complex Human Activity
Based on Activity Spotting

Ulf Blanke

Prof. Stefan Roth, Ph. D (examiner)
Prof. Dr.-Ing Hans Gellersen (co-examiner)
Prof. Dr. Bernt Schiele (co-examiner)

Dissertation (defended 12/2010)

On Request On Request

Peer reviewed publications


Crowdsourced Pedestrian Map Construction for Short-Term City-Scale Events

U. Blanke, R. Robin, S. Feese, G. Tröster

The First International Conference on IoT in Urban Space (Urb-IOT)

In-cooperation with ACM SIGAPP, SIGCHI, and SIGSPATIAL, and Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE ComSoC IoT TC

Rome, Italy


Urban IOT Paperbib

Inferring Travel Purpose from Crowd-Augmented Human

Z. Zhu, U. Blanke, G. Tröster

The First International Conference on IoT in Urban Space (Urb-IOT)

In-cooperation with ACM SIGAPP, SIGCHI, and SIGSPATIAL, and Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE ComSoC IoT TC

Rome, Italy


Urban IOT Paperbib

Participatory Bluetooth Scans Serving as Urban Crowd Probes

J. Weppner, P. Lukowicz, U. Blanke, G. Tröster

IEEE Sensors Journal

Special Issue on Sensing technologies for intelligent urban infrastructures 2014


Urban IOT Paperbib

How to Save Human Lives with Complexity Science

D.Helbing, D. Brockmann, T. Chadefaux, K. Donnay, U. Blanke, O. Woolley-Meza, M.Moussaid, A. Johansson, J. Kraus, S.Schutte and M. Perc

Social Science Research Network



SSRN Paperbib

Capturing crowd dynamics at large scale events using participatory GPS-localization

U. Blanke, T. Franke, G. Tröster, P. Lukowicz

The 2014 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing

(ISSNIP) Singapore.


ISSNIP Paperbib

GaitAssist: A Daily-Life Support and Training System for Parkinson’s Disease Patients with Freezing of Gait

S. Mazilu, U. Blanke, M. Hardegger, E. Gazit, J. M. Hausdorff, G. Tröster

ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
(CHI) Toronto

Oral, 22.8% acceptance rate


CHI Paperbib

(Demo) GaitAssist: A Wearable Assistant for Gait Training and Rehabilitation in Parkinson's Disease

S. Mazilu, M. Hardegger, U.Blanke, G. Tröster

12th IEEE Intl. Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom). Budapest, Hungary.

Best demo award


CSUR Tutorialbib

The Telepathic Phone: Frictionless Activity Recognition from WiFi-RSSI

S. Sigg, U.Blanke, G. Tröster

12th IEEE Intl. Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom). Budapest, Hungary.

Oral, 14% acceptance rate


CSUR Tutorialbib

A Tutorial on Human Activity Recognition Using Body-worn Inertial Sensors

A. Bulling*, U. Blanke*, and B. Schiele.

ACM Computing Surveys
* in equal contribution


CSUR Tutorialbib


Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services

G. Memmi (General Chair)
U. Blanke (TPC Chair)

5th International Conference, MobiCase 2013, Paris, France, November 7-8, 2013, Revised Selected Papers



Human Activity Recognition Using Social Media Data

Z. Zhu, U.Blanke, A. Calatroni, G. Tröster

12th Intl. ACM Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia
(MuM) Lulea, Sweden.

Best paper award



Towards Scalable Activity Recognition: Adapting Zero-Effort Crowdsourced Acoustic Models

LV. Nguyen-Dinh, U. Blanke, G. Tröster

12th Intl. ACM Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia
(MuM) Lulea, Sweden.



Low-Power Ambient Sensing in Smartphones for Continuous Semantic Localization

S. Mazilu, U. Blanke, A. Calatroni, G. Tröster

4th International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence
(AmI) Dublin, Ireland, 2013


AMI 13bib

Combining Crowd-Generated Media and Personal Data: Semi-Supervised Learning for Context Recognition

L.V. Nguyen-Dinh, M. Rossi, U. Blanke and G. Tröster

ACM Workshop on Personal Data Meets Distributed Multimedia co-located with ACM Multimedia,
Barcelona, Spain, 2013.



Prior Knowledge of Human Activities from Crowd-Generated Social Data

Z. Zhu, U. Blanke, G. Tröster.

17th ACM/IEEE Intl. Symposium on Wearable Computing 2013.
(ISWC). Zürich, Switzerland.


ISWC13 Paperbib

Engineers Meet Clinicians: Augmenting Parkinson's Disease Patients to Gather Information for Gait Rehabilitation

S. Mazilu, E. Gazit, U. Blanke, D. Roggen, J. Hausdorff and G. Tröster.

ACM SIGCHI Augmented Human 2013.
(AH) Stuttgart, Germany..



User Independent, Multi-Modal Spotting of Subtle Arm Actions with Minimal Training Data.

G. Bauer, P. Lukowicz, U. Blanke, B. Schiele.

10th IEEE Percom Workshop on Context Modeling and Reasoning 2013
(CoMoRea). San Diego


Comorea 13bib


Ah! I felt like doing something else...


I spy with my little eye: Learning Optimal Filters for Cross-Modal Stereo under Projected Patterns

Walon Chiu, Ulf Blanke, Mario Fritz
Max Planck Institute for Informatics

1st IEEE Workshop on Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision in conjuction with ICCV
Barcelona, Spain.


iccv11 workshopbib

Improving the Kinect by Cross-Modal Stereo

Walon Chiu, Ulf Blanke, Mario Fritz
Max Planck Institute for Informatics

The 22nd British Machine Vision Conference
(BMVC), Dundee, UK.


ISWC11 Paperbib

South by South-East Or Sitting at the Desk. Can Orientation be a place?

Ulf Blanke*, Robert Rehner**, Bernt Schiel*
* Max Planck Institute for Informatics
** DVS TU Darmstadt

15th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers
(ISWC), San Francisco, USA.

ISWC11 Talk

ISWC11 Paperbib


Remember and Transfer what you have Learned - Recognizing Composite Activities based on Activity Spotting.

Ulf Blanke, Bernt Schiele TU Darmstadt

14th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers
(ISWC), Seoul, Korea.

ISWC10 Talk

ISWC10 Paperbib

Characterizing Sleep Trends from Postures

Marko Borazio**, Ulf Blanke*, Kristof Van Laerhoven**
* Max Planck Institute for Informatics
** ESS TU Darmstadt

14th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers
(ISWC), Seoul, Korea.


ISWC10 Paperbib

Towards Human Motion Capturing using Gyroscopeless Orientation Estimation.

Ulf Blanke, Bernt Schiele TU Darmstadt

14th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers
(ISWC), Seoul, Korea.

ISWC 10 Poster

Minute Madness Video

Supplemental Video

ISWC10 Posterbib

Standing on the Shoulders of Other Researchers - A Position Statement.

Ulf Blanke*, MIS, TU Darmstadt
Diane Larlus, MIS, TU Darmstadt
Kristof Van Laerhoven, ESS, TU Darmstadt
Bernt Schiele, MIS, TU Darmstadt

Pervasive Workshop "How to do good activity recognition research? Experimental methodologies, evaluation metrics, and reproducibility issues"
Helsinki, Finland.



All for one or one for all? - Combining Heterogeneous Features for Activity Spotting.

Ulf Blanke, Bernt Schiele TU Darmstadt
Matthias Kreil, Paul Lukowicz ESL Uni Passau
Thiemo Gruber, Bernard Sick CSL Uni Passau

7th IEEE PerCom Workshop on Context Modeling and Reasoning (CoMoRea).

Comorea Talk

Comorea Paperbib


An Analysis of Sensor-Oriented vs. Model-Based Activity Recognition

Andreas Zinnen SAP Research
Ulf Blanke*, TU Darmstadt
Bernt Schiele, TU Darmstadt

13th IEEE Intl. Symposium on Wearable Computing
(ISWC) Linz, Austria.

ISWC09 Talk


Daily Routine Recognition through Activity Spotting

Ulf Blanke*, TU Darmstadt
Bernt Schiele, TU Darmstadt

4th Intl. Symposium on Location- and Context-Awareness
(LoCA) Tokyo, Japan.

Loca09 Talk



Sensing Location in the Pocket

Ulf Blanke*, TU Darmstadt
Bernt Schiele, TU Darmstadt

10th ACM Intl. Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
(UbiComp) Seoul, South Korea.


Ubicomp 08 Poster

Minute Madness Video



Scalable Recognition of Daily Activities with Wearable Sensors

Tam Huynh*, TU Darmstadt
Ulf Blanke, TU Darmstadt
Bernt Schiele, TU Darmstadt

3rd Int. Symposium on Location- and Context-Awareness
(LoCA) Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany.



hr* Presenter. For further information (,e.g., datasets etc.):


Other publications & talks


Visualization as Tool for Data Understanding

Ulf Blanke

Summer School “Visualizations of Space: Concepts-Methods-Media”
2010, Ebernburg, Germany

Within interdisciplinary research project “Visualization – Information – Learning/Perception” – together with Anna Lisa Martin (TU Darmstadt) and Markus Stross (TU Darmstadt)



Understanding the process of technology research and its impact on the real world

Ulf Blanke, MIS, TU Darmstadt
Suzana Alpsancar, TU Darmstadt

Young Philosophy Second (under)-graduate conference,
2010, Darmstadt, Germany



Unsupervised Activity Recognition using Wearable Sensors

Diploma thesis

Implementation of HMM-based EM clustering algorithm to recognize daily activities, e.g., ironing, eating and scenes, such as at work, housekeeping.

B. Clarkson & A. Pentland. Unsupervised clustering of ambulatory audio and video. In icassp, 1999.

Brian Clarkson, Kenji Mase & Alex Pentland. Recognizing User Context via Wearable Sensors. In ISWC, 2000.

Loca09 Talk

Diploma report
