Human activity is considered to be one of the most important ingredients of context awareness and ubiquitous computing. During my PhD I focused mainly on the recognition complex activities based on wearable sensors. By spotting isolated gesture-alike events in a
continuous data stream, probabilistic temporal models are used to compose such events into higher level activities such as daily routines, or multi-step construction tasks.
Besides my main research direction, several related projects evolved, which are listed on the publication page. |
"We are what we repeatly do."
(Aristotle, 384-322 BC)
Projects and Publications |
Crowd Behavior - The 30k user dataset
CuPid - Technology for
Parkinson's patient
rehabilitation |
Recognizing Complex Activities
based on Activity Spotting |
Domain Adaptation |
Indoor location sensing
by inertial measurement |
All publications |
Press |
Invited and seminar talks |
- MRMW. Market Research in the Mobile World. 2014, Germany
- Socially Ineractive Computing. Sino-German Symposium. 2014, Germany
- Dagstuhl. Interaction and Collective Movement Processing. 2014, Germany
- PARC. Contextual Intelligence. 2013, Palo Alto, USA
- Dagstuhl. Human Activity Recognition in Smart Environments. 2012, Germany
- Yahoo! Labs. Mobile Innovation Group. 2012, Sunnyvale, USA
- ETH Zürich. Wearable Computer Lab. 2012, Zürich, Switzerland
- Winter School Lecture. 2012, Switzerland
- Microsoft Research Redmond. Computational User Experiences Group. 2011, USA
- Understanding the process of technology research and its impact on the real world. 2010, Germany
Scientific Involvement |
Currently (2013-2014)
- Associate Editor for The ACM TiiS Activity Recognition for Interaction 2014
- PC Chair for UrbIOT 2014 ■ MobiCASE 2013
- PC member for MobiQuitous 2014 ■ ISWC 2014, 2013 ■ Acomore 2014 Workshop ■ IWWISS 2014 Workshop ■ Recognise2Interact 2013 Workshop
- Publicity Chair for ISWC 2013 ■ UbiComp 2014 ■ MUM 2013
- Reviewer for MUM 2013 ■ ISWC 2013 ■ Pervasive Computing Magazine ■ Acomore Workshop 2014
- Session Chair: ISWC Industry track 2013
- PC member for MobileHCI 2011 ■ AmI 2011 ■ Pervasive Posters, Videos, and Demos 2011 ■ CosDEO Workshop 2011
- Reviewer for TEI 2012 ■ ISWC (2009-2013) ■ AmI (2010-2011) ■ Pervasive (2008-2012) ■ LoCA 2009 ■ UbiComp (2009-2011) ■ EuroSSC ■ IOT 2010, MobileHCI 2011 ■ Pervasive and Mobile Computing 2010 ■ Pervasive Computing Magazine (2011, 2013)
Teaching |
- Wearable Systems 1 2013, ETH Zürich (Co-Lecturing)
- Human Computer Systems SS 2010, TU-Darmstadt (Co-Lecturing 10% and Tutorials)
- Human Computer Systems SS 2009, TU-Darmstadt (Tutorials)
- Human Computer Systems SS 2008, TU-Darmstadt (Tutorials)
- Introduction to Computer Science I WS 2003-2004, TU-Darmstadt (Student assistant)
(Co-)Supervised students:
- Kelly Steich. Simultaneous Segmentation and Annotation of Video Semantics via Implicit Crowdsourcing. Semester thesis. (with Zack Zhu)
- Fabian Gasser. What? Where? When? - The Smartphone is Smarter When Using Information From its Sensors. Semester thesis. (with Sinziana Mazilu)
- Matthias Plociennik. Longterm Motion Capturing. Bachelor thesis.
- Robert Rehner. Inferring Location and Activities by using Spatial Constraints. Master thesis.
- Patrick Frankenberger. Visualizing large Information Spaces. Diploma thesis.
- Johannes Simon. Visualizing Spatio-Temporal Data for Urban Management.
Bachelor thesis.